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“The Land Needs a Master?: Searching for an ‘Ideal Peasant’ in Post-Soviet Russia.” Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies. November 21-24, 2024, Boston, Massachusetts.


“Digging the Land, Digging up History: The Practice of Land Reclamation in the Russian Far East.” American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting. November 15-19, 2023, Toronto, Canada.


“Russia 'Before' and 'After': Insights from Fieldwork.” American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting. November 9-13, 2022, Seattle, Washington.


“Repchik: Russian Rap and Post-Soviet Culture.” Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies. November 23-26, 2019, San Francisco, California.


“Neither Custodians of the Land nor Factory Workers: People and their Animals After an Encounter with Socialism.” The Annual SOYUZ Symposium. March 29-30, 2019, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.


“From a Subsistence Hunter to a State Employee and Back: Living off the Land in Post-Soviet Siberia.” American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting. November 14-18, 2018, San Jose, California.




“Discontinuous Continuities: Towards Rethinking Post-Socialism through History-Work.” Conference panel co-organizer with Marcos Cisneros. American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting. November 15-19, 2023, Toronto, Canada.


“Post? Socialist Horizons.” International conference co-organizer with Alexei Yurchak and Marcos Cisneros. August 4-25, 2021, Berkeley, California.


Residents of Magadan gather shellfish at low tide as the waters recede in Veselaia Bay, Magadan, July 2023.


For the past three years, I have co-hosted The Eurasian Knot, an audio podcast that fosters discussion on Russian, East European, and Eurasian culture, history, and politics with leading scholars in the field. Alongside our lead host Sean Guillory, I aim to educate and inspire a broad, English-speaking audience by making the latest research on the region accessible and exciting. Our episodes have explored topics ranging from Soviet internationalism and Russia's prison-knocking language to Cuban-Soviet student exchanges, everyday life during the war in Ukraine, and Azerbaijan's oil industry. In Spring 2023, seeking to highlight perspectives beyond Moscow, I curated a series on Russia’s Far East, covering subjects such as the whaling industry, the Russian presence in Harbin, the Nivkhi of Sakhalin Island, and indigeneity in contemporary Russia, among others. With over 2,500 weekly downloads worldwide, the podcast has become an essential resource for translating cutting-edge research on Eurasia into an engaging public conversation. To give it a listen, go here.​

© 2025 by Rusana Novikova
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